Welcome to"Legends" eTwinning project 2015- 2016

Webquest - QR codes Treasure Hunt and .... More

After talking with our students about what a legend is and before reading the Legends from the British Isles we involved them in a webquest about these Isles.

 Appropriate guidance and useful links were given and students working in national teams prepared 10-15 questions of cultural ,geographical and historical interest to ask their partners. You can have a taste HERE.

Then students participated in a  QR codes Treasure Hunt. They prepared the answers to the questions in QRcodes and invited their partners to decode them and find the hidden answers.
Using mobile phones in class was necessary  and students had the chance to reap the benefits of mobile learning. Upon completion of the activity they uploaded their findings on a PADLET.  

A couple more activities were designed and students had the chance for further practice and consolidation of the knowledge acquired.

Quiz 1  

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Last but not least students  gathered all the information of the activities and prepared a recording about the British Isles to share with their school community.