Welcome to"Legends" eTwinning project 2015- 2016

Legend 3: A Royal Secret, an Irish legend

A Royal Secret, this  Irish legend sparked our students' imagination stimulated their creativity  and helped them brilliantly  respond to the activities we designed for them collaborating with their partners.
  • Using the FORUM of twinspace they all answered a question posed:"Would you be able to keep such an important secret as King Labraidh in the story? Why? Why not? "
A small sample of their answers is here:

  • As the main theme of the story related to secrets students  prepared their own coded secrets and shared them with their partners. Three ciphered methods were presented, "ROT 1", "Transposition Ciphers" and "Caesar Shift Cipher" which students used along with their own devised coding systems to create their hidden messages. They could also use a puzzle ,Jigsaw Planet to hide their message.

  • Secret 1 : A question for your partner to answer asking some personal information. LINO 1

  • Secret 2: Write a positive sentence for your partner. LINO 2
  • Secret 2: Send a riddle or a History question to your partner by post. LINO 3